Why do I need a garden designer?

A garden designer will bring fresh ideas to your project, even the smallest space can benefit from a professional eye especially when every inch counts. If you have a problem site such as complex level changes or are overlooked from neighbouring properties a designer will be able to advise on the best way to solve the issues as often an original solution to a problem is what sets the scheme apart from the ordinary. A good designer will be aware of new products, trends and landscape techniques and how to make the best use of your budget to achieve the look and lifestyle that you are after.

How much do you charge for a design?

Gardens come in all shapes and sizes and clients have a range of expectations so we need to meet you at the site as a starting point. We won’t keep you in suspense for long and soon after you will receive a brief and an estimate for design fees.

Do you have a preferred style?

Fuchsia Green enjoy creating gardens of all styles and see every garden as a fresh challenge. It is of upmost importance that the style of the garden reflects the property as well as the client’s preferences and personality. We are always mindful that once the project is finished it is the client who will use and enjoy the space so we are focused throughout making the right choices tailored for each project.

I’m thinking of renovating my house and then want to have my garden designed, when should I contact Fuchsia Green?

As soon as you can to commit to the design process and a budget to realise the scheme. It really helps if you can consider the cost of a new garden and regard the exterior as an important part of the whole picture, especially if there is a lot of glazing in the building as the views out from the interior spaces are paramount. Occasionally it makes practical sense to undertake the landscaping alongside the building work, especially if access to the garden will be restricted, imagine having to carry everything for the garden in and out through a newly decorated home! if this is the case contact us as early as possible.

How much will my new garden cost?

Once we meet you at the property to discuss your vision we will be able to let you know if the budget you have in mind is realistic compared to your wish list. Fuchsia Green strive to design the best possible garden for the available budget so if we can discuss a price range that you are comfortable with from the outset it helps us to arrive at a design solution to suit you. However, you should be under no illusions that a design and build project cannot be carried out to a high standard on a shoe string as seen on television makeover programmes! They usually cost the equivalent of other major improvements in the home such as a new kitchen, loft room or extension and should be regarded as an investment increasing the value of your property. As a guide, complete transformations of small gardens start at £20,000.

I don’t know any good landscape contractors; how will the garden be built to your design?

Fuchsia Green do not carry out hard landscaping but over the years we have built up a network of landscapers, suppliers, specialist trades and artisans that share our enthusiasm for garden transformations. As part of our service we introduce you to reliable and courteous professionals that will realise our plans to a high standard of quality. Our design service includes onsite visits throughout the construction phase of the garden.

How long will it take to design and build the garden?

The garden design process takes around 6-8 weeks from the first enquiry to receiving the full cost of the garden. Availability of contractors can vary at different times of the year but generally they are available within 8 weeks after you have accepted their quote. The average project will take 3-5 weeks onsite to carry out the landscaping. If you have a special deadline just let us know and we will try to help.

What’s the best time of the year to start the project?

Any time of the year is a good time just keep in mind how long it can take from the first contact to realising the garden. Although weather can have an impact on schedules rarely work stops altogether and gardens are built all year round.

How do I look after the garden when it's finished?

Fuchsia Green always consider the long-term maintenance at the design stage. We employ some tricks of the trade of material and plant selection and clever detailing to ensure that you can enjoy the garden during your leisure time. However, any scheme will need a certain amount of input to keep it looking tip top. Although we do not carry out maintenance services we are always on hand to offer you advice or to put you in touch with local professionals that can help you. As part of a planting plan and installation we will create a bespoke garden maintenance notebook which will list all the plants in your garden with information about how to care for them.